Waterwise with Educator Chris Ferreira

Wanneroo Library Rocca Way, WAnneroo, Western Australia, Australia

Our Sustainability Series aims to engage and encourage our community members to learn about and commit to sustainability in our everyday lives. Join us for this Waterwise workshop run by…

Waterwise Verge & Garden Workshop

The Scramble Omodeo Vista, Hammond Park, Western Australia, Australia

Richard Noble and the City of Cockburn are partnering to bring a Waterwise Verge and Garden Workshop to Hammond Park. Head down to the Scramble Park and join your neighbours…

Breakfast event: Fostering water sensitive communities

Canning River Eco Education Centre Corner Kent Street and Queens Park Road, Wilson, WA, Australia

A water sensitive city is: …where communities care about and value water, while making best use of its various sources (groundwater, dams, stormwater, sea water and wastewater). The city serves…