
Museum of Water

‘Life, death and all the washing up in between.’ The Guardian What water will you keep? A vial of tears, melted ice from Antarctica and a plastic bottle of billabong…

Funding for waterwise verges

Verges form important greenspaces in our communities, helping with urban cooling and creating ecological corridors through our streetscapes. For endorsed Waterwise Councils offering ratepayers a rebate or incentive to create…

Stormwater WA Supports Organic Filter Media Workshop

The purpose of the research has been to investigate the effectiveness of infiltration systems containing organic filter media. The research has led to an understanding of the specific mechanisms that…

IPWEA-WA State Conference: The changing Face of Public Works

The Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, WA, Australia

The Conference Theme – The Changing Face of Public Works – revolves around the evolution of traditional methods vs current methods and the ever evolving new technologies and trends, and…