West Perth infill street tree planting


Project Details

As part of the Urban Forest Plan Infill Street Tree Planting Program the City of Perth has designed and installed a range of innovative and bespoke water retention tree pits across the city.

WSUD Category: Tree pits

Criteria Information
Development Type:Infrastructure
Function/Driver:Water quality
Government Area:City of Perth
Site Context:Well-draining soils
Year Completed:2019


As part of the Urban Forest Plan Infill Street Tree Planting Program, the City of Perth has designed and installed a range of innovative and bespoke water retention tree pits across the city.

Each pit is designed to capture and filter stormwater run off from city streets to improve water quality and promote a sustainable approach to water management within the urban forest.

The pits help deliver additional water to our street trees. This promotes the development of large and healthy tree canopies which cool the city and creates green, shaded and attractive city streets.

Design Details

  • These pits have been designed to retrofit water retention tree pits where new trees are planted in streets with existing precast concrete kerbs.
  • Due to an interlocking kerb design it is not feasible to remove one piece of kerb alone. Instead a slot is cut in the existing kerb to allow water to enter a pipe system designed to deliver water around the tree rootball.
  • A stainless steel plate is placed across the top of the kerb, over the slot, to protect the structural integrity of the kerb. A water retention logo is laser cut into the plate to help raise community awareness of WSUD and its role in the management of the urban forest.
  • This design has been trialed successfully in West Perth as part of the City of Perth Urban Forest Infill Street Tree Planting Program.









Contact Officer: Barbara Meldrum

Email: Barbara.meldrum@cityofperth.wa.gov.au