Sotheby Road Public Open Space

Lauraine Drive, Harrisdale

Project Details

Creating an aesthetically pleasing public open space with the added benefit of storing small and large stormwater events.

WSUD Category: Retention of native vegetation, Swale / buffer strip

Criteria Information
Development Type:Public Open Space
Function/Driver:Water quality
Government Area:City of Armadale
Site Context:Shallow groundwater
Year Completed:2005

The public open space (POS) on the corner of Sotheby Drive and Wright Road in Vertu Estate features a round grassed space which provides a dual function to provide attractive public amenity as well as detention of stormwater runoff for flood protection. Best practice stormwater treatment is achieved at this site through the use of grassed swales and flush kerbing along the boundaries of the POS. These provide conveyance and allow maximum local infiltration. Bioretention basins planted with native vegetation improve the quality of stormwater before infiltration. Bubble-up pits are included within both grassed areas and areas containing native vegetation as part of conveyance of minor stormwater flows to the POS for detention and treatment. Subsoil drains have also been installed to control local groundwater levels.