
2017 PIA Awards for Planning Excellence closes

Closes: 7 August 2017 The Awards are an opportunity for planners to share achievements and celebrate the value planning brings to our communities. Participating in the Awards is also an important way planners can demonstrate commitment to advancing the profession. For organisations involved in planning, the Awards are a chance to be publicly recognised for…

2017 PIA WA Awards for Planning Excellence

Closes: 7 August 2017 The annual PIA Awards for Planning Excellence demonstrate leading practice, leadership and achievement in planning and the planning profession. The Awards recognise excellence and showcase leading practice across a range of planning disciplines and sectors. Leadership in planning, particularly in the face of adversity, is acknowledged and applauded. In all, the…

20 Million Trees Program Closes

Closes: 15 August 2017 The Australian Government will work with the community to plant 20 million trees by 2020, to re-establish green corridors and urban forests. The 20 Million Trees Programme is part of the national stream of the National Landcare Programme, and has four strategic objectives: 20 million trees – 20 million trees and…

Regional Estuaries Initiative 2017 Nutrient Summit – Productive Agriculture – Healthy Estuaries.

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah, WA, Australia

Nutrient run-off from agricultural land represents the largest source of nutrients entering estuaries in south-west Western Australia threatening the health of our estuaries. The challenge of sustaining productive agriculture and healthy estuaries is shared by farmers, catchment managers and industry. New and innovative approaches and ways of working together will be necessary to achieve healthy estuaries alongside thriving agriculture. More…

AWA South Australian State Conference

Adelaide Convention Centre , Australia

This year the conference theme is Water in the Community. Most progressive and stringent green building program - Get Inspired at the Australian Water Association SA State Conference! The Living Building Challenge is rapidly capturing the public imagination globally and transforming expectations of built environments. With lofty imperatives like net zero energy, net zero water,…

IPWEA International Public Works Conference


As the largest public works conference held in Australia, the 2017 conference, exhibition and associated social events will provide fantastic opportunities for learning and networking. The conference will feature six streams covering topics such as asset management, innovation and technology, leadership and management, community and infrastructure, pavements, stormwater, coastal management, street lighting and more.

AWA Water Awards closes

Submissions for both individual and organisational awards are now open across the country for the Australian Water Association’s State and Territory Water Awards. We want to recognise the significant contribution our members are making to the Australian water industry through research, projects and innovations. Click here to find a list of all State and Territory…