Wetland Algal Bloom Management: Sharing Treatment Outcomes

WALGA and New WAter Ways have established a new interactive map and will host biannual meetings to assist Local Governments in sharing the outcomes of wetland algal treatments.

The aim of the initiative is to assist Local Governments to identify and adopt effective treatments, optimise use of scarce resources and increase our collective understanding of options for wetland management.

Many Local Governments are experiencing issues with algal blooms in natural and constructed wetlands. Treatments being applied to wetlands include, but are not limited to:

  • enzymes and algacides
  • phoslock and bentonite clay
  • ultrasonic treatments
  • dye
  • floating wetlands
  • manual removal

New WAter Ways has added a Wetland Algae Management category to their Interactive Map, which can be used to assist Local Governments to share information on treatments trialled, approximate costs, and outcomes at individual wetlands.

WALGA will assist with the sharing of information by facilitating two meetings per year for Local Government to discuss treatment case studies and attend wetland site visits.

Additionally, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) have expressed interest in undertaking ongoing monitoring of wetland parameters to provide quantitative data on applied treatments, if there are sufficient project sites to ensure a rigorous scientific study.

Please express your interest in this initiative and/or submit your project information using the short template, by emailing Melanie Davies (mdavies@walga.asn.au), WALGA Biodiversity and Sustainability Project Officer.

The key to managing wetland water quality is to prevent the causes of high nutrient levels at the catchment scale.  However, it is recognised that short-term intervention at the local scale to address symptoms is part of an integrated approach being adopted by Local Government.

Thank you,
WALGA Environment Team and New WAter Ways